By Team Trilogy
‘Wouldn’t it be loverly’ if residents had the chance to experience some of Broadways most memorable plays without leaving the comfort of their own home? That’s exactly the opportunity we’re giving residents at our Trilogy campuses in 2018!
We’ve traveled through time, visited far off countries, cruised the seven seas, and now we’re taking on Broadway! And what better way to kick off our 2018 Theme Weeks in style than with a tribute to My Fair Lady!
We had moonlit screenings of the hit musical, enjoyed high tea, created beautiful ascot hats fit for a duchess, had food good enough to make a lady swoon (just take a look at that glorious menu), and looked down our noses at anything that wasn’t up to our Trilogy Theme Week Standards!
When asked how they felt about all the festivities and the Themed Dinner that rounded out the week, there was a resounding chorus of ‘I Could Have Danced All Night!’
Click here to see all the fun we had celebrating our first Theme Week of the Year, and take a look at our campus pages on Facebook for more!