This could take a few minutes.

…but we promise it’s worth it. Kick back and enjoy scrolling through the latest and greatest developments on all things Trilogy – from timeless resident stories to our newest service offerings.

June 25, 2024

Welcome back to the Clinical Corner!

I’m sure we all want to stay as sharp as possible throughout our lives. Studies have shown that what we eat can significantly influence our memory, either improving or declining it. As more research is conducted and new medications are developed, we’ll have even more information—so stay tuned. In the . . .

May 13, 2024

Welcome back to the Clinical Corner – and welcome to spring!

In previous editions of the CC (let’s see if we can make that stick), we’ve talked about the importance of keeping our bodies in shape. But exercising your mind is just as important as training any other muscle – and can be the key to leading an active, healthy lifestyle. . . .

March 21, 2024

Welcome back to the Clinical Corner!

I hope everyone is enjoying the warmer weather as we ease into spring. Many of you have probably experienced a cold during this transition period – which is why I wanted to offer some timeless advice. I remember growing up, and my mom would always want to feed me chicken . . .

January 6, 2024

The Clinical Corner – The Benefits of Vitamin D

Welcome to 2023 everyone – and welcome back to the Clinical Corner!  At the beginning of the year, we see temperatures drop, a flu season in full swing, and more reasons than ever to stay inside and keep warm. During this time, it’s important that we all be mindful of . . .

December 29, 2023

The Clinical Corner – The Benefits of Staying Active

Welcome back to the Clinical Corner, everyone! In November, we delved into the crucial topic of fall prevention and its widespread impact. This month, let’s shift our focus to the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle during the winter season. With New Years celebrations, we’re presented with a wonderful opportunity . . .

October 25, 2023

The Clinical Corner – Falls Prevention and Awareness

Welcome back to the Clinical Corner, everyone! In September, we talked about the rise of new treatments in the fight against Alzheimer’s and dementia – a disease that affect seniors across every corner of the globe. This month, we’re discussing another far-reaching obstacle that many seniors face – the risk of serious . . .

July 19, 2023

The Clinical Corner – Age and Incontinence

Welcome back to the Clinical Corner, everyone! Last month, we talked about the power of vitamin D – a fatigue-fighting energy booster that’s capable of stomping away some of the most common age-related ailments. And while I wouldn’t blame you for not talking through some of these ailments at the . . .

February 13, 2023

The Clinical Corner – The Benefits of Socialization

Welcome to the February Clinical Corner, everyone! It’s that time of year again to give the ones we love a special Valentine – letting them know that they’re appreciated and seen. Socialization is a huge part of Valentine’s – but we could all use some love and care 365 days . . .