Welcome back to the Clinical Corner, everyone!
There’s no getting around it – our world is changing fast. Scroll through any feed or turn on any news station, and one of the first things you’ll hear about is – you guessed it – the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
We’re all feeling AI’s impact. This overnight gamechanger is pushing our society forward at a pace that we haven’t felt since perhaps the industrial revolution. But before we get too excited, we should take care to evaluate the benefits vs. the risk before jumping in and using this new technology to work towards our goals.
For our residents, the future of AI couldn’t be more promising. Emerging technologies promise to improve the quality of life for seniors across the globe – and our employees are already getting ready to meet the challenge. Currently, our Trilogy team is looking at multiple AI technologies that will assist with anticipating whether or not a resident is at risk for falls – or if they have a medical incident and need assistance.
So how are we getting ready for these changes?
First, our process is to trial anything new to ensure it will help us reach the goals we want. We’ve tested a few different technologies already – but unfortunately, they didn’t match the quality standards for our residents and employees. No problem – that’s why we do this! We are currently testing a product that will drastically improve communication between our residents and families in real time – so be sure to keep an eye on our blog for future updates on that tool as they become available.
If you have a loved one that requires additional monitoring and assistance, consider the following resources available to you. I haven’t personally used them, as they are designed for caregivers in a home environment – but hopefully they can be a great jumping off point to assist you in your research!
Unaliwear- A watch that will call for assistance whether you are at home or out in the community. The website states it never needs to be charged. Price is locked and it will not go up. Interesting item to investigate as falls are common as the elderly age due to disease process and loss of muscle mass as we age.
UnaliWear Home – Mobile LP V1 – UnaliWear
Along with Unaliwear, Best Medical Alert Fall Detection 2023 includes 9 additional providers that are ready to assist you in your home. This can give you a great head start in your search for supportive services utilizing advanced technology.
Best Medical Alert Fall Detection 2023 | Top 10 Medical Alerts
Remember to always ask for references, as they should provide them readily to prove their product works for whatever it is you need.
It’s an exciting time to be here – and I’m sure in just a few short years, I’ll look back on this blog post and be amazed at how much has changed since. We couldn’t be more excited to be on this journey with you. Until next time!

Rhonda Dempsey, Chief Nursing Officer