by Carol Klohn
My View of The Valley
It was soon after the new Valley View Health Campus, Fremont, Ohio, opened that I had my first introduction to the campus. I was part of a “Bridge Playing” group that began having our sessions at Valley View Health Campus. We were treated very well! As one of the girls remarked, “they see us as future residents”.
Sure enough, after a series of incidents, and much evaluation, it was determined that I could no longer live independently. This was perhaps the most traumatic experience of my life. I had survived many of the “bumps” life gives us, but this was monumental. So, on December 22, 2019, I came to Valley View. It was just three days before Christmas, I was deposited directly from the hospital to the doors of Valley View Health Campus. With the help of my family and a more than kind “aide”, I was settled for the night.
When morning came, I was cheerfully taken to a lovely dining room, served a delicious breakfast, and introduced to my “table mates”. Because Fremont is a small community, we found that we had mutual acquaintances and many things in common. Over the next several months, I settled in and found myself thinking, “This is Home”. Of course, the “Big C Pandemic” came knocking at the door and life again took a dramatic turn. There were no more Bingo Days, no more group activities, no more “outings”, and no more eating in the dining room. We were on lockdown. What a burden it was for the entire campus. Because of the diligence and hard work of the staff, almost all of us remained “Covid” free. I can never say enough for the care and attention that we were given during those days.
When word finally came that we were “free”, a huge celebration was planned. Since that time, I have learned that the Trilogy tradition is that any time there is a cause for celebration, it is done in no small way. All such occasions mean so much, and make life in a health campus so much more fulfilling. Each day, I try to participate in planned activities, and always know that we are free to plan our own activities, whether it be leading a Bible study, playing cards, or just chit-chatting with other residents. We are also free, weather permitting, to get out and enjoy the beautifully kept grounds.
So, for nearly three years as a resident of Valley View, I can truthfully say that I would make the same decision to be a resident here. Yes, the campus itself is lovely, but it is what goes on inside that really matters. The “team effort” is obvious, with all involved making this the best possible home for those of us who so need “tender, loving, and professional care”. It’s all right here. I thank God many times each day that I am where I am. Not only are my physical needs being met, but so also are my emotional and spiritual needs. I am blessed.
-Carol Klohn, Valley View Health Campus