“There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.” -Mandy Hale
Having a loved one facing dementia is heartbreaking. You want them to always feel safe, loved, affirmed and valued. Dementia can rob them of those positive feelings and leave them feeling scared, sad, confused, and alone. I was dreading the time when my aunt would need memory care. I envisioned room after room of hospital beds connected by dark, lifeless hallways filled with an overworked and frustrated staff. I put off looking for a memory care facility because I didn’t want to be responsible for putting my aunt in that type of environment. But once assisted living was no longer an option for her, we started looking at other options.
We checked site after site online that promoted in-house care staff. Every company sounded good on paper, but how do you know what a person really acts like when there is no accountability? If something bad happened, it’s not like my aunt would be able to remember to tell me or even know how to get help in the moment. Having someone choose you to make important life decisions about their health and wellbeing is daunting. I just didn’t want to make a wrong choice for her.
In the midst of trying to figure out how to safely extend her stay in assisted living, we received a flyer in the mail about a brand-new facility that offered services for older adults. We couldn’t make the open house, so we dismissed it. When my aunt’s assisted living facility suddenly went from saying she needed 8 hours a day of extra care to round-the-clock care, I was devastated. How were we going to find a safe place that could adequately meet her needs in such a short amount time? That’s when my husband remembered the flyer from Liberty Station Health Campus.
I’m not the bravest or most decisive person going into new situations – especially when the stakes feel high. My husband is much better at decision making, (he was the one who had researched assisted living facilities and found the perfect one for my aunt a few years ago), so I assumed he would take charge and do the same in looking for a memory care facility. He suggested that we look into the place from the flyer. The next day at lunch, I hoped on the computer and ended up connecting with Shelby. I was shocked to be able to actually talk to someone (and go on a tour the same day!), and the moment I walked in to the facility, I just knew. I think God is good at getting people where he wants them when we take the time to listen. Nine days after our tour, we were moving Dianne into her forever home!
We feel so incredibly blessed for Dianne to be at Liberty Station Health Campus. Everyone we have interacted with has been amazing. The atmosphere is always positive and staff genuinely want to be there. The residents are respected and showered with love. Staff go out of their way to try to make my aunt’s day a little brighter, and if she’s having a bad day, they are patient and support her any way they can. The residents are not belittled for what they can’t do or can’t remember. They are celebrated for just being themselves. They are enough. They matter.
Not one time have I been nervous (except maybe the first night before I truly got to know everyone) that Dianne would not be taken care of. Farrah, Tamatha, Asia, Brenda, and everyone else that has helped her have become Dianne’s family. I wish Dianne wouldn’t lose her memory, but regardless of remembering day-to-day activities, people don’t forget being loved. Dianne is loved day in and day out by people who aren’t obligated to care, but they choose to do so. We are extremely fortunate that a little open-house flyer made its way into our mailbox! We look forward to many more wonderful years at Liberty Station Health Campus.
At Trilogy, we treat our Alzheimer’s and dementia residents with the same love and respect that we would expect for our own loved ones. That means filling their days with purposeful activities, beautiful campus grounds, and round-the-clock care that always places their dignity first. To learn more, visit our Memory Care page located here.